Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday Treats.

Sunday was a trip to the Adamstown Markets in Newcastle. It was fairly quiet, but full of casual stall holders, so it was a great for a change of scenery. We picked up this gorgeous wooden doll's house on the way out. It was $30 and included all the wooden furniture and dolls. Apparently it had once belonged to a preschool. I love the idea that so many little hands have once created magic in this place. I am looking forward to renovating our new house and hopefully having it finished in time for Miss almost 2's birthday. It definitely needs some new carpet!

Sunday's find.Bonus furniture!
I love the dunny!

Come and share your Sunday Flea Market Finds over here.


  1. oh that's great! i'm jealous and i'm a big kid

    ...i think i have a thing for mini things

  2. I see now! And to think these markets are only up the road from where I live and I haven't yet been. So much treasure!


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